Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Happy New Year

Well, there is a waiting game going on in my life right now. I am frustrated by my lack of control over it. I want to scream, cry and get really drunk. Trying to keep it together and wait it out but it's hard. My fate is being left to the bottom line and it sucks. Everything I started this fall could be in jeopardy.

Other than that things are going alright. Money is still tight, my girlfriend Kat started a month of silence, which I think I prefer her nagging, but it's teaching me how to communicate with her in a different manner. If I can't push her buttons I can't argue, which is how I communicate.

Well, I will right a bit more later. I'm off to buy a lotto ticket. Here's hoping!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Update on the new year

So the new year seems to be looking up after the past two years being so tough. The last two years saw us both being laid off at different points then having to take jobs at drastically lower pay scales to survive. I'm still at my drastically lower paying job while Kat, who has had a hard time keeping steady employment, has finally found something solid. I feel like I finally have a light at the end of the tunnel in something a relative proposed to me. More an that as it unfolds. Right now it's still in the early stages of planning but I'm optimistic.

The holidays were good and bountiful and my birthday was filled with friends. I'm going back to the IRS again for the next couple of months so I will be extremely busy.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ups & downs

This weekend was full of ups & downs as far as our house hunting goes. Things are looking up again as far as that goes but I'm not sure about another thing that was on the table. We'll see what the rest of the week brings.

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

The second day

I am still feeling hung over which is funny since I didn't drink on New Year's Eve. In fact I was asleep by 1130 that night. I'm enjoying the gap between being fully conscious and Kat coming home from work. It's the silence and the ability to sit with my iTouch uninterrupted. It never fails, we can sit in silence for hours but the instance I put on head phones she starts talking. Kind of like how when I was living at my parents place they only seemed to talk to me through the bathroom door.

All in all not a bad start to the New Year. Just been extremely fatigued. My schedules been a little jacked up from the holidays and my body clock isn't used to eating dinner at 10 at night. Kat's sick, again. She was sick all through Thanksgiving. I think it's god's way of telling both of us we need to start getting out and exercising.

I don't have and resolutions this year. At least not yet. And because my birthday is in January I usually don't start them until February so I can can have a Bacchanalian celebration. Or in this case, the plan is hockey and a few beers with friends.

Monday, December 28, 2009

It's the little things in life that mean the most. Currently I am sitting on the couch watching Bullit with Kat and drinking hot buttered rums. Today is perfect.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Now that I know my password i might actually start blogging again.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Art Of the Mix

I awoke too early this morning. After about an hour of tossing and turning my girlfriend kicked me out of bed. So the gf and I have set a date for the big day. Oct 7, 2007. Now with almost two years to go her inner chick has kicked in and I'm up to my eye balls in wedding website, magazines, and what-nots. Currently I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee adding more music to my iTunes and discovering that maybe the 120GB external HD may not be big enough. Did I mention I have a lot of music. So that brings me to another point. I have been trying to make a few mixes for a few friends and have had a block. I've discovered the source of this block so I think I am now able to work through it. In my younger years I have wasted many a day at the stereo making the perfect mix, fine tuning, fading into and out of. There is something about the total hands on process of making a cassette mix that is for the most park lost on CD's and playlist. I've even gone as far to get the RoughGuide to Playlists to help me out. Now I realise just what it is that I've been missing from the process of making a solid mix. Art work too is another thing in my way. Everything fits so nice in a cassette. I was the kind of person who spent many a time prowling the net in search of the perfect pre-made j-card or cool graphic. I was so simple to just open up any magazine and bam! there you go instant cover art. I used to have a file folder with various picture and what-not that made good cover art. So I am hooking up my old stereo and getting down to business. Those of you who I was planning to burn a few mixes for will still receive your mixes in CD format, but for my own sanity and creativity I will being again to mix in cassette.
